Bin Hadher Establishment For Trade , General Contracting and Oil Services || Project|| مؤسسة بن حاضر للتجارة والمقاولات العامة والخدمات النفطية
  مؤسسة بن حاضر للتجارة والمقاولات العامة والخدمات النفطية    
All awards..
Construction of a fence for the health center and a Generator’s room
Finalize the construction of Asam Asam
Khameer and Jujah Shibam School
Construction of a dirt road, Tamees well
Hawarm Madhla’a construction project
Elba water barrier construction project
Karafan corridors and waterwheels
Thamoud district roads maintenance project
Construction of Sana'a school
Hawarim water supply project
Al-Ramlah school
Building doctors housing
Excoriation and leveling soccer stadium at Hawarn
Building the platform of Al-Itfaq club soccer stadium
Reconstruction, re-paving and re-planting of Sah Hospital
Drilling Thamoud water well + Fence construction
Yards paving works
Construction of Hawarm water tank with the network
Construction of a fence and Guards’ room for Andal water supply project
Construction of an emergency unit within Sana Health Center


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